What is Loud Budgeting & How Can It Help You Reach Your Goals?

The world today is filled with so much noise. From your social media feed to reality TV, it often seems like people are spending fortunes and living large. Between this noise and pressure to spend your money in social situations, it can be difficult to keep your budget in check. But this doesn’t have to be the case.

There’s a new trend on social media called “loud budgeting” that can help you keep your financial priorities front and center. If you’re ready to take charge of your budget and reach your goals, loud budgeting might be for you. Here’s a look at loud budgeting and how it can support your financial health plans.

What is Loud Budgeting?

Loud budgeting is a budgeting strategy where you openly communicate with friends and family about your budget and upcoming expenses that you need to account for. But let’s be clear: it isn’t about not spending money or participating in social activities. Instead, it’s about having a plan for your money and communicating that plan to your friends and family so that you can stay on top of your budget.

Some examples of loud budgeting can look like:

  • Saying “no” to a night out with friends.
  • Grabbing coffee instead of drinks when you go on a date.
  • Compromising on a fun weekend activity that your friends will still enjoy, but won’t break the bank.

What Makes Loud Budgeting So Helpful to Your Financial Health? 

When you speak up about your budget and share your goals with friends, it can have a positive impact on your finances. It’s a way to take charge and feel good about communicating your limits on spending. Plus, it might just inspire your friends and family to do the same.

Here are some reasons why loud budgeting can be so helpful to your financial health goals: 

Set Healthy Boundaries 

With loud budgeting, you’re creating healthy boundaries for your finances. When you tell your friends you can’t go out to a fancy brunch because it’s not a financial priority, you’re saying no to something that doesn’t fit your budget. After all, budgeting is all about your priorities.

If saving for a vacation or paying off your credit card bills is your priority, loud budgeting can help you set healthy boundaries to keep yourself on track. By being honest with yourself and those around you about the things you can and want to afford, you free yourself up to focus on the things that matter most to you. In the process, you’re also giving your friends and family the opportunity to turn down expenses that don’t fit their budgets either.

It Lets You be Transparent

Another reason to try loud budgeting is that it allows you to speak transparently about your budget. Instead of spending money out of fear of being judged, you’re being honest with yourself and the people around you.

By speaking openly about your finances, you’re strengthening your support network and connecting with your friends and family in a new way. Now, you all can begin to talk about your financial health and the different successes and challenges you’ve encountered. 

Accountability and Support

By practicing loud budgeting and communicating your financial priorities, you ultimately keep yourself accountable. If your best friend knows you want to avoid eating out to save for a trip next spring, they can help you turn down dinner invitations by reminding you of your goals.

Loud budgeting also can help you get support. Sometimes turning down social opportunities is hard. But if you have people in your corner who can help you come up with alternatives and support you, you can find motivation to keep going.

Often, we think of money as something we have to tackle on our own. But with loud budgeting inspiring more conversations about financial health, you no longer have to go it alone. 

Start Small, Start Today

If you’re ready to focus on your money priorities and say “no” to things that aren’t in line with them, loud budgeting may be for you. So, does this mean you have to start a TikTok channel about everything you do with your money? Not necessarily, although you can if influencing is a part of your financial health goals. (Check out our how-to guide to learn more about growing your gig as an influencer.) 

Loud budgeting means that you need to be willing to talk to your friends and family about the spending choices you’re making to keep your finances on track. To achieve this:

  • Make a budget and figure out what your financial priorities are.
  • Review what comes in and what goes out of your accounts.
  • Figure out what goals you may want to work towards.

Once you know what your budget and goals look like, set those healthy financial boundaries when you’re invited to an activity that doesn’t line up with your planned spending.

And remember, focusing on your budget and working to save money is something to celebrate! Build in more opportunities to recognize your successes by talking to the people around you about what you’re working toward.