Do I Qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

To participate in Public Service Loan Forgiveness, make sure that you meet all the requirements. You must have the right type of loans, the correct occupation, a full-time job, and the correct repayment plan. Plus, you need to make eligible payments for ten years. After ten years, if you meet all of these conditions, you…

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Your Guide to Getting Out of Debt

There are a couple of ways to get out of debt and back on track. It may seem overwhelming, but you can do this! It’s time to budget To start with, make a budget. Total up all your monthly take home pay. Next, subtract all of your expenses. You will want to subtract your housing,…

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How much should I save if I’m in debt?

Crisp one dollar bill among a pile of cash in various amounts

How much should I save monthly if I am in debt? Or what percentage of my income should I save if I am in debt? Submitted by LaTisha V. When we have debt, our priorities can change completely. To start, we have to remember that not paying our debt will negatively impact our credit history…

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What Does It Mean to Refinance a Mortgage?

Birds Eye view of a suburban neighborhood

Let’s start with the basics. Refinancing simply means that you’re replacing your existing loan with a new mortgage. Reasons for Refinancing a Mortgage If you’re considering refinancing, your reasons may include: A lower interest rate Shorter (or longer) term to pay off the loan or cash out equity Changing the type of mortgage (you may…

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Understanding Your Debt

Hi, I’m Saundra Davis, financial coach here at SaverLife. Today we are going to talk about one of the biggest financial stressors in many of our financial lives: debt. The “No Judgment Zone” So, the very first thing is remember the “no judgment zone.” Everything that you have done in your financial past that you’re…

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How to Get the Best Rate on a Loan

Artsy neon percentage sign

If you need money for the short or long term, it’s important to remember that not all loans are created equal – and the price you pay for that money (in fees and interest) may vary dramatically. What do you need? Before shopping around for loans, you should know how much money you’re looking to…

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