How the Child Tax Credit will affect your tax return

Advance Child Tax Credit payments in 2021 were incredibly helpful for families, particularly with prices going up this year. But how does it affect your tax return during the 2022 tax season? Will you owe or will you get a smaller refund?  Just like many personal finance questions, the answer to this one is, “it depends.”…

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2021 Changes to Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is designed to help Americans with low-paying jobs, particularly those with children, and the changes are most helpful for those without qualifying children. Permanent changes Previously, to be eligible for the credit, people had to have less than $3,650 (2020) of investment income. For 2021, that is increased to…

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A Tax Update on Third Stimulus and Unemployment: Your Questions Answered

We know that many of you have burning questions about unemployment benefits and the American Rescue Plan, including how they affect taxes and what is the relationship between the third stimulus and unemployment benefits. Here are answers to some of the questions you’ve asked about the third stimulus, unemployment extension, and their tax implications. How…

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Make a Powerful Plan for Your Tax Refund & Stimulus Check

We are in the thick of tax season, and the House recently approved a new stimulus bill. This is great news for many people, especially considering the average tax refund is around $2,500, and the expected stimulus check for a four-person household is up to $5,600. If you missed a previous stimulus payment, filing taxes…

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What Is Adjusted Gross Income?

It’s that time of year when you hear tax terms being tossed around, whether on the news, at work by the HR Department, or over coffee with friends. But what exactly do all these terms mean? A commonly used term is Adjusted Gross Income or AGI. What is AGI, and how do you calculate it?…

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What’s in the Third Stimulus Bill Other than Checks?

While the third stimulus payment — which we just wrote about — is a hot topic for Americans right now, there’s actually a lot more to the American Rescue Plan. Here are some of the additional benefits you could get from the relief package. Additional Support to Families In addition to stimulus payments, the American…

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