Can I transfer my HSA to another financial institution?

I have a HSA through my company. I don’t like their services and investing options. Can I transfer some of the funds I have to a new account at another financial institution? Submitted by Sudawan K. Take a moment and pat yourself on the back for planning ahead for your medical expenses. Not everyone does,…

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Can I file taxes if my income was only SS and SSI?

Submitted by Veronica C. Living on only social security income tells me that you are resourceful and doing a good job managing your money. (SS is the benefit that you pay into during your working years and SSI is supplemental income designed to provide additional support for specific situations.) This question is tricky because I’m…

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How much should I save if I’m in debt?

Crisp one dollar bill among a pile of cash in various amounts

How much should I save monthly if I am in debt? Or what percentage of my income should I save if I am in debt? Submitted by LaTisha V. When we have debt, our priorities can change completely. To start, we have to remember that not paying our debt will negatively impact our credit history…

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How do I find my credit score?

White woman with a short bob haircut and wearing a graphic white t-shirt sits in a meadow with her laptop in her lap and holding her credit card

How do I find out my credit score? Who wants to know it, and what factors influence its change? Submitted by anonymous. A credit score is a representation of how someone managed their debts. It is meant to help creditors understand our financial responsibility. Payments on our loans and balances on our credit cards are…

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