Should I save for my child in a custodial account or a 529 account?
Should I save for my child in a custodial account so he can use that money for whatever he chooses or should I save in a 529 account? Submitted by anonymous. Think about the goal YOU have for your child. What is the point of the savings? A 529 is a good choice for children’s…
Read MoreWhat’s holding me back from getting approved for a credit card?
What’s holding me back from getting approved for a credit card? Submitted by anonymous. There are many reasons that credit card companies deny an application for a credit card. They review your application and your credit history to assess if you have stable income and how likely you are to pay them back (on time).…
Read MoreHow can I manage money with a partner who has different money habits?
Do you have any advice for managing money and budgets with a partner who has a different view of spending and saving than I do? Submitted by anonymous. Ah, love and money! This can be blissful or stressful. For many people, money can make or break your relationship. It is pretty common to partner with…
Read MoreWhat’s the difference between a bank and a credit union?
What is the difference between a bank and a credit union? Submitted by anonymous. Banks and credit unions serve similar roles in our financial system. Both hold our deposits and make investments to raise money to lend to businesses and individuals. In general, banks are for-profit businesses. Their profits benefit their shareholders. This is one…
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